Wednesday 27 April 2011

K so here's the AIML stuff as promised

Do this.

Go get the AIMLBot source here:

Next, unzip the contents and open the solution with Visual C# 2008. It will ask you to convert it to a C# 2008 file. Do it.

Next, go take a look inside the folder where you extracted the AIMLBot solution. There will be a file called "". Extract this file into a folder in the aurora bin directory called aiml.
i.e. aurora\bin\aiml

You will have to create the aiml folder first of course.

Next step is to open up the aurora solution and select the main solution right at the top. Right click this main solution and choose "add new project". Browse to the C# 2008 solution of AIMLBot that you created earlier and add it to the project.

Next find the subproject in the aurora solution called Aurora.botmanager and right click it and choose "Add Reference". On the Add Reference window choose the "projects" tab (should be the third tab at the top) and find and select the AIMLBot project you just previously added as a new project to the main aurora solution.

Next open the C# source file RexBot.cs and add the line "using AIMLBot;" underneath the line which says using System.IO; right at the top of the file after the copyright stuff.

At this stage we are ready to rock and roll and you have successfully added AIMLBot to the project. Now we need to enable it. Do the following steps:

Just before the first C# property in RexBot.cs "public RexBotState State", add a declaration for the AIMLBot: add this line
private cBot myBot;

Next you have to actually instantiate the bot. So find the following constructor function:
// creates new bot on the default location
public RexBot(Scene scene, AgentCircuitData data)

Right at the end of this constructor function after "UniqueId++;", add the following line:
myBot = new cBot(false);

Now we have the bot instantiated. So we just need to listen for it now.
So find the function SendChatMessage which says this:
"public void SendChatMessage (string message, byte type, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromAgentID, byte source, byte audible)"

Add the following lines of code in the function:

String fromNameLower = fromName.ToLower();
String firstNameLower = m_firstName.ToLower();
String lastNameLower = m_lastName.ToLower();
String NameLower = firstNameLower + " " + lastNameLower;
if (fromNameLower.Contains(NameLower) || message.Length==0 || source!=(byte)ChatSourceType.Agent )

cResponse reply =, NameLower);

this.SendChatMessage(1, reply.getOutput());

Your bots are now self aware. Long live Skynet!

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