Saturday 23 April 2011

So a small piece of progress

Trying to hunt down where/how the bot code listens for chat messages.
In the Bot_API.cs code there is a botSendChatMessage function which you can use to send messages from the bot. What I wanted was the event to intercept whereby chat messages are being actively listened for by the bot. Obviously the botSendChatMessage isn't it since this is a function you call rather than a function that responds to chat events.

So where is it?

I couldn't find it and had to ask the guys. Rev Smythe (genius) told me it was in the EventManager code so all I had to do was put a breakpoint there, type a chat message in and watch what happens. So the event fires when someone chats. It goes and gets a list of scenepresences and then fires a SendChatMessage function to each of the individual scenepresences.

Our particular scenepresence (i.e. the bot) was indeed found and it called RexBot.cs's implementation of SendChatMessage (which is empty....) so perhaps something could go there.

But wait (I'm typing this as I go through the code LOL) there's something else.... in the RexBot.cs code is an event called OnBotChatFromViewer.

Hmmmm I wonder if that's what I'm looking for.

Hmmm no. It didn't get called. The only code that does get called is RexBot.cs SendChatMessage. OK so that's where I'm going to have to intercept the chats and send them to pandorabots...

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