Tuesday 29 March 2011

There's an error in the osAvatarPlayAnimation code

So the deal is: you dump an animation into the prim along with the script. The script contains the UUID of the bot. Then you touch the script and the bot plays the animation. Doesn't work unfortunately because there's some kind of permissions error.

[09:39 PM] Object: Error script: System.Exception: Runtime Error: osAvatarPlayAnimation permission denied. Prim owner is not in the list of users allowed to execute this function.
at Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.ScriptProtectionModule.Error(String surMessage, String msg) in d:\works37\Aurora\AuroraDotNetEngine\ScriptProtectionModule.cs:line 178
at Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.ScriptProtectionModule.CheckThreatLevel(ThreatLevel level, String function, ISceneChildEntity m_host, String API) in d:\works37\Aurora\AuroraDotNetEngine\ScriptProtectionModule.cs:line 169
at Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.APIs.OSSL_Api.osAvatarPlayAnimation(String avatar, String animation) in d:\works37\Aurora\AuroraDotNetEngine\APIs\OSSL_Api.cs:line 797
at Script.ScriptClass.d__2.MoveNext() in c:\temp\hegrd1sn.0.cs:line 36
at Aurora.ScriptEngine.AuroraDotNetEngine.Runtime.Executor.FireAsEnumerator(EnumeratorInfo Start, MethodInfo ev, Object[] args, Exceptio


  1. So this isn't actually an error but is instead some kind of setting inside the .ini files.
    Enrico fixed it and it's good to go.

  2. Just a quick FYI - I noticed today that you don't actually need to put the animation into the prim. All you need is the correct animation UUID & it plays fine. Fun fun fun :)
