Friday 25 March 2011

This is the LSL script to initialize the Aurora NPC bots

Dump this LSL into a prim end then touch it.... it should create a bot in your own image.

string first = "Test";
string last = "Bot";
key userToDuplicate;
string botID;
//On startup, we'll generate a new bot, then make it move when we touch it
//Create the bot with the given first/last name and the user whose appearance it will duplicate
userToDuplicate = llGetOwner();
botID = botCreateBot(first, last, userToDuplicate);

llListen( 0, "", NULL_KEY, "" );
touch_start(integer number)
//Now give it a list of positions to go around
list positions = [llGetPos(), llGetPos() + <0, 20, 20>, llGetPos() + <20, 0, 20>];
//Now tell it how it will get there
//0 - Walk to the next target
//1 - Fly to the next target
list types = [1,1,1];
//Now tell the bot what to do
botSetMap(botID, positions, types);
listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )
if ( id == llGetOwner() )
if(message == "pause")
//This disables the bots movement, however, the bot will warp to its next location once the alloted time runs out for movement
if(message == "resume")
//This reenables movement for the bot and does not turn on the movement timer
if(message == "stop")
//This disables the bots movement, as well as the auto warp that will occur if the bot does not get to its position in the alloted period of time
if(message == "start")
//This reenables movement for the bot and does turn on the movement timer

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